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Here's what rhymes with regain.

gain cane main pain remain chain grain rain reign ln retain vain vein lane sane crane fain lain pane rein bane mane tain vane wane deign feign inane skein arraign thane wain chicane brain plain plane train attain drain insane refrain slain stain cocaine terrain detain twain arcane moraine urbane romaine swain murrain ingrain contain explain obtain campaign domain strain disdain humane profane hurricane pertain ordain butane certaine germane humaine sprain urethane retrain reattain maintain sustain ascertain complain champagne restrain abstain aeroplane mundane sugarcane cellophane halothane overlain appertain wholegrain entertain constrain inhumane coxswain windowpane preordain reexplain monoplane legerdemain hydroplane foreordain polyurethane demimondaine

Consider these alternatives

regaining / training regained / obtained reclaim / same recover / another retain / main restore / for lose / whose retake / take gain / main wrest / best maintain / main consolidate / state control / whole reestablish / establish gaining / training losing / using seize / these solidify / high able / table secure / full unable / table loses / uses seek / speak relinquished / distinguished defend / went regroup / group grip / it sustain / main

Words that almost rhyme with regain

came game same became name claim fame shame lame tame dame maim frame blame flame reclaim acclaim rename declaim defame proclaim exclaim overcame inflame aflame disclaim ballgame filename selfsame quitclaim forename aspartame counterclaim
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