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Here's what rhymes with overrule.

rule yule tool cool fool pool mule seul joule drool ferrule ghoul tulle pule school stool spool ferule retool uncool misrule ampoule spicule ampul molecule ridicule preschool playschool vestibule minuscule

Consider these alternatives

override / side overrules / schools nullify / high revoke / spoke supersede / need disallow / allow upheld / help dismiss / this appellate / marriage precedent / resident compel / well overturns / terms adjudicate / great amend / went constitutionality / personality appoint / point legislate / late negate / great decisions / conditions erred / help invalidate / state disqualify / high impeach / deep hesitate / state codify / high abrogate / great roe / no disobey / day

Words that almost rhyme with overrule

ure doer coeur voyeur longueur grandeur rapporteur raconteur
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