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Here's what rhymes with uses.

juices sluices nooses gooses reduces adduces educes produces deduces seduces papooses burnooses vamooses outproduces overproduces

Consider these alternatives

using / losing use / produce used / moved utilizes / enterprises allows / house example / sample technique / seek types / rights utilizing / rising device / price provides / rights relies / size utilize / size devices / prices does / of usually / unusually combines / lines type / might tool / pool can / an variety / society instead / said takes / makes features / teachers addition / position produces / uses which / it unlike / like tools / schools

Words that almost rhyme with uses

loses chooses bruises fuses muses fuchsias whooshes effuses swooshes refuses diffuses caduceus defuses enthuses appaloosas acanthuses transfuses

loosens ruins rubles roubles douches pumas tunas duennas oodles tubas hulas pupas doodahs pupils humans unions fluids fuels jewels duels noodles bugles illumines newtons doodles poodles bluegills broughams belugas lacunas newels perusals unloosens boodles googles trueloves scubas allusions illusions scruples neutrals fusions renewals reunions hoodlums accruals bazookas cherubims cupfuls dukedoms souffles vicunas bejewels solutions delusions dilutions effusions ablutions approvals removals occlusions hallelujahs barracudas satsumas inclusions tribunals infusions intrusions evolutions refusals communions locutions quadruples subhumans conclusions resolutions revolutions confusions exclusions contusions protrusions extrusions disillusions profusions bamboozles executions attributions convolutions diminutions institutions prosecutions transfusions retributions contributions distributions constitutions substitutions circumlocutions electrocutions counterrevolutions
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