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Here's what rhymes with unfounded.

hounded confounded pounded unbounded dumfounded grounded abounded astounded impounded inbounded rebounded redounded

Consider these alternatives

untrue / you unsubstantiated / dated assertions / persons accusations / relations unwarranted / warranted accusation / relation unjustified / side refuted / routed speculations / relations allegation / education rumor / tumor allegations / relations irresponsible / responsible refute / group false / force rumour / tumor assertion / person insinuations / relations dismissing / living dispelled / help exaggerated / stated unrealistic / characteristic suspicions / conditions overblown / known defamatory / story fabrications / relations illogical / logical unproven / solution unsupported / imported motivated / stated fabricated / created spurious / curious unfair / their counterproductive / productive

Words that almost rhyme with unfounded

poundage uncounted unmounted amounted surmounted unaccounted dismounted recounted remounted

shrouded doubted clouded undoubted touted unclouded flouted pouted clouted jousted rousted overcrowded beclouded overclouded
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