Here's what rhymes with spruced.
loosed roost ust boost duced sluiced fug juiced goosed moussed schussed produced reduced deduced adduced seduced traduced unloosed callused educed chorussed vamoosed induced introduced reproduced conduced overproduced outproduced reintroduced Words that almost rhyme with spruced
roofed proofed used proved bruised toothed oozed goofed whooshed moved approved abused fused mused grooved reused soothed cruised perused spoofed boozed fireproofed fuzed swooshed removed improved accused amused diffused smoothed unused disproved perfused reproved suffused bemused disused unproved overused behooved defused effused soundproofed snoozed bucktoothed schmoozed weatherproofed flameproofed rustproofed refused excused disapproved infused unmoved misused enthused disabused unapproved underused waterproofed childproofed bombproofed confused unimproved bulletproofed transfused unexcused root route ut brute peut looped loot lute bruit drooped trooped butte puked bluet ruched trouped blooped sprucest yukked fruit suit shoot grouped boot dilute mute salute cute flute solute stooped chute doit fuit jute moot doute duped hoot nuit pollute uproot cooped toot cheroot coot hooped newt spooked volute whooped pooped souped douched nuked futzed acute dispute pursuit astute rebuked repute impute scooped swooped depute recouped beetroot hirsute reboot scoot reroute taproot hiccuped permute snooped snoot galoot absolute compute recruit resolute refute commute dissolute parachute subacute overshoot arrowroot regrouped exeunt tracksuit jackboot cahoot attribute execute destitute institute persecute disrepute irresolute lnstitute confute undershoot bodysuit gumboot constitute substitute prosecute prostitute transmute recompute malamute telecommute reconstitute electrocute