Here's what rhymes with schemas.
does buzz twas Words that almost rhyme with schemas
of us mus mush muss enough love thus rough bus rush tough crush dove pus buff cuff fuss glove hush lush puff snuff shove gruff gush above plus stuff thereof brush flush bluff blush truss hereof plush slough thrush beauteous slush whereof rebuff discuss underbrush superfluous nuns amours mugs comes ones guns runs sons loves lungs tons clubs sums buds gloves tongues bugs crumbs gums rugs skulls tonnes doves gulls hulls pubs suns thumbs tubs bums buns cubs glans grubs hubs hugs jugs lugs puns rubs rungs thugs tugs drugs funds drums floods shrubs bulbs plugs slums plums studs bloods shrugs slugs stubs succumbs becomes overcomes