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Here's what rhymes with prosecuted.

routed recruited muted booted hooted bruited fruited grouted reputed imputed refuted uprooted commuted intuited scooted rerouted rebooted deputed unsuited undiluted confuted permuted jackbooted undisputed transmuted parachuted troubleshooted telecommuted reconstituted electrocuted

Consider these alternatives

prosecute / group investigated / indicated crimes / times prosecuting / including indicted / divided offenses / extensive prosecution / solution prosecutions / institutions apprehended / presented treason / reason interrogated / dated extradited / decided incarcerated / dated detained / obtained implicated / related jail / male offenders / members cases / places liable / viable accused / used wrongly / strongly

Words that almost rhyme with prosecuted

secluded cupid brooded eluded exuded cubit colluded feuded duded deluded precluded denuded

roosted boosted putrid druid stewarded
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