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Here's what rhymes with hippies.


Consider these alternatives

yuppies / studies dudes / groups hobos / photos groupies / rubies nerds / words countercultural / cultural yuppie / study hedonistic / characteristic grunge / and yesteryear / will

Words that almost rhyme with hippies

cities effigies ditties kiddies biddies titties kitties middies weirdies pretties committees crudities subcommittees frivolities concavities profundities mediocrities orotundities

series theories finis fillies sissies civvies hickeys shimmies sillies ciggies cissies civies hickies sickies shinnies fifties guineas lilies gypsies chillies busies chilies minis wearies dinghies indies billies gillies ninnies piggies smithies willies biggies repines spinneys whinnies jimmies stickies thingies dearies dickeys dickies dillies dizzies jiffies pinnies divvies mickeys tizzies kidneys queries sixties chimneys hominis privies pygmies pigmies striptease pixies whimsies jitneys pillories quickies whiskeys causeries pinkies blinis pyxes whimseys brickies dinkies passivise grizzlies pigsties pinwheels devilries gearwheels infields wrinklies artistes sophistries deviltries milkweeds reentries pekingese slipstreams maharishis windshields hydrolyses waterlilies ignominies millstreams presbyteries blitzkriegs
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