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Here's what rhymes with gross.

close dose morose engross jocose diagnose grandiose adipose overdose bellicose comatose varicose viscose lachrymose cellulose nitrocellulose

Consider these alternatives

amounted / surmounted revenues / whose revenue / to projected / expected growth / both exceed / need exceeded / needed shrank / bank compared / help amounting / mounting percentage / presented exceeding / leading percent / went increase / peace quarter / order

Words that almost rhyme with gross

growth rose grows oath rows grove owes clothe loaf crows glows loath clove loathe lows rove wroth oaf roes both those shows goes knows nose arose chose drove flows prose blows pose throws toes foes hose nos froze pros woes cove quoth sloth slows throes wove doze gauche hoes hos hove sows troth throve trove noes tows oppose stove repose strove enclose snows inclose outgrows suppose impose propose expose ratios compose disclose radios bedclothes depose folios foreclose verbose cameos rodeos behove buboes foregoes forgoes nightclothes salvoes dispose embryos bestows undergrowth bungalows overflows overthrows patios underclothes plainclothes scarecrows stereos buffalos reimpose undergoes presuppose studios decompose interpose transpose dominoes dominos interwove recompose superpose predispose juxtapose politicos discompose pantyhose portfolios superimpose manifestoes

oats ropes growths oaks cloaks yolks yokes groats gropes opes notes hopes boats votes folks quotes slopes coats goats jokes floats throats soaps tropes coax hoax chokes copes moats motes pokes roasts soaks blokes cotes dotes fops posts hosts bolts coasts ghosts strokes volts boasts evokes connotes smokes spokes colts toasts jolts scopes revokes denotes promotes devotes invokes revolts provokes cutthroats anecdotes envelopes isotopes antelopes overcoats artichokes microscopes telescopes petticoats antidotes horoscopes radioisotopes
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