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Here's what rhymes with faltering.

altering haltering unfaltering

Consider these alternatives

floundering / encountering revive / five reviving / driving foundering / encountering reinvigorate / great stalled / called falter / order revitalize / size waning / training slowing / going derail / detail nascent / patient stabilize / size undermined / mind fragile / battle rekindle / simple rejuvenate / late revitalise / devitalise boost / produced resuscitate / state dented / prevented

Words that almost rhyme with faltering

ordering harboring bartering chartering martyring bordering torturing quartering reordering disordering rechartering

fostering hollering sauntering offering watering honoring slaughtering soldering tottering authoring doctoring fathering pottering whoring auguring bothering conquering sponsoring slobbering doddering armoring armouring proctoring stoppering pothering rogering choppering wandering forwarding pondering conjuring hardworking laundering posturing partnering cornering dishonoring garnering nonworking proffering succouring maundering clobbering coauthoring prospering squandering humouring reconquering cosponsoring helicoptering rumouring semaphoring animadverting counteroffering
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