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Here's what rhymes with allies.

valise canalise

Consider these alternatives

adversaries / varies foes / those allied / side leaders / features coalition / position alliance / science support / called opposition / position forces / discourses troops / groups nato / tomato war / or politicians / conditions opponents / components regime / seem diplomatic / dramatic nations / relations bloc / stock invasion / information supporters / disorders persuade / made oppose / those ties / eyes defend / went military / very nationalists / rationalists democratic / dramatic aides / states

Words that almost rhyme with allies

rabbis halides antis alpines magpies sapphires capsize gadflies ratlines glamourise franchise pastimes vampires backsides tramlines backslides glamorise halftimes landslides aggrandize landmines quagmires slantwise standbys disfranchise enfranchise propagandize disenfranchise
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