Here's what rhymes with veife.
chief leaf beef reef thief fief sheaf lief brief grief serif belief relief motif massif flyleaf overleaf debrief disbelief unbelief cloverleaf leitmotif aperitif Words that almost rhyme with veife
these leave peace piece sees teeth cease fees knees cheese keys lease seas seize bees freeze niece peas sheath sleeve weave geese wreath fleas fleece frees frieze heath heave leash teas tease flees skis sneeze threes leas lees pease reeve sheave tees wheeze seethe cerise hies pees quiche sarees sheathe sleaze sties wreathe trees achieve please breathe breeze grease naive squeeze apiece appease grieve obese pleas cleave crease unease chemise sprees bereave screes believe disease police receive beneath release perceive agrees overseas relieve deceive rupees trainees decease foresees lessees referees unleash oversees pastiche escapees posies soirees surcease tepees tailpiece increase decrease degrees conceive prestige trustees decrees diocese retrieve caprice devotees bequeath dioceses emphases detainees displease reprieve conferees legatees mortise palsies trapeze chickpeas draftees honeybees invitees parolees baksheesh chickadees pharisees trochees expertise indices underneath masterpiece appointees nominees attendees centerpiece disagrees disbelieve grandees grantees harmonise internees isosceles licensees retirees syntheses absentees addressees altarpiece returnees antifreeze colonise divorcees dungarees interweave matinees modernise nobodies patronise undeceive argosies debauchees enlistees interleave jubilees legalese manatees analyses guarantees hypotheses recognise manganese parentheses interviewees consignees deportees franchisees guaranties mortgagees amputees scrutinise abductees inductees misconceive synchronise appendices mantelpiece antagonise bumblebees revolutionise idiosyncrasies