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Here's what rhymes with uruy.

you u oo ou lieu ooo lu rue eu loo yew yu ewe oooo ooooo ru ooh roux to who do two new through too few true view due knew blue drew du grew que crew threw blew coup flew q qu shoe zu clue cue dew glue hue queue shew su sue tu vous chew cu deux flue fu slew zoo brew bu flu hu ju jus ku mu nu peu pew pu seu shu sou thru vu woo boo chou chu coo cou doo feu fue gu hew mieux shou shrew thu tue vou vue wou wu clew goo mew moo pooh poo shoo gnu slue thew whew phew review screw anew renew accrue stew adieu ado piu skew revue sprue tzu redo strew halloo spew valuer regrew achoo into pursue canoe undue debut ensue taboo undo untrue tattoo beaucoup eschew outdo sinew vnto askew imbue outgrew endue foreknew zebu indue kazoo muumuu prevue wazoo booboo revenue overview residue withdrew avenue bamboo retinue subdue caribou jusqu overdue overthrew shampoo overdo ballyhoo fondue marabou bestrew overflew overshoe overdrew overgrew atishoo interview hitherto rendezvous construe barbecue kangaroo cockatoo honeydew hullabaloo barbeque bugaboo peekaboo buckaroo superglue misconstrue
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