Here's what rhymes with swithes.
scythes Words that almost rhyme with swithes
gives lives myths sieves smiths ifs fifth forgives cliffs blacksmiths goldsmiths monoliths hieroglyphs silversmiths is ears wings ills ins wills wins swings inns whims swims weirs wigs whiz his years things hills skills bills fears kids kings rings sins viz winds fills limbs mills peers pigs ribs skins spheres bids figs hymns kills pills pins sings twins arrears cheers fins gears lids piers spears spins twigs beers bins chills gills quiz rims smears spills steers stings thrills tins chins digs flings frills jigs mils quills rears rigs shins sills slings sneers stills biz dears gigs gins hes inlays nears rills skids thins tills veers appears brings films careers springs strings builds drills forbids guilds beards clears clings grids kilns litres gilds grins sprigs brigs cribs grills hairpins trills veneers begins adheres florins fulfills fulfils violins inheres minims cashiers pistils disappears frontiers pioneers reappears souvenirs cavaliers daffodils premiers compeers javelins premieres pseudonyms engineers volunteers atmospheres hemispheres interferes financiers privateers chandeliers profiteers underpins mountaineers mutineers