Here's what rhymes with subpar.
door bar bore par pour por jar pore tar tor tore boar char chore dar torr for more your far four war nor car core shore store corps star wore fore sore drawer lore roar var adore cor lor mar spore whore abhor gar har lar soar spar tsar yore ajar czar foure gore hoar mor sar thar wor tzar hoer before floor score ashore bizarre guitar scar swore vapour afar rapport avoir bazaar decor deplore voir crore lobar savoir avatar snore abattoir dinar footsore sitar bedsore disbar ignore restore postwar cigar offshore histoire prewar evermore implore inshore lvoire pouvoir senor cinnabar fourscore furore galore hardcore herbivore matador scimitar seafloor superstar theretofore velar hellebore isobar samovar sidecar picador superstore handcar outscore explore anymore reservoir furthermore heretofore repertoire seminar antiwar guarantor underscore caviar commodore dinosaur sycamore threescore forevermore troubadour handlebar motorcar nevermore stevedore albacore forswore minibar peignoir tramcar humidor millibar omnivore underfloor foreswore kronur registrar twentyfour commissar hereinbefore battledore escritoire brontosaur carnivore conservatoire insectivore tyrannosaur conquistador Words that almost rhyme with subpar
ball tall doll pall tal pol bawl pawl call fall vol wall hall col haul gall mall mol shawl sol stall brawl coll drawl fascial trawl loll maul moll yawl appall small baseball crawl banal befall cabal kraal qual sprawl thrall fireball netball sepal bradawl hairball butterball overall basketball ethanol install withal fmall forestall overhaul vagal areal cytosol severall squall volleyball scrawl racquetball coverall paperboy buckyball recolour protocol methanol urethral waterfall aerosol cannonball carryall enthrall enthral gasohol plimsoll keelhaul alcohol cholesterol cortisol sepulchral ergosterol barcarolle wherewithal neanderthal foreshore