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Here's what rhymes with sedative.

Consider these alternatives

anesthetic / magnetic diazepam / can valium / alien phenobarbital / phenobarbitol lorazepam / can propofol / alcohol chloral / moral hypnotic / logic benzodiazepine / diazepine antidepressant / present hallucinogenic / academic antipsychotic / logic lidocaine / procaine anaesthetic / magnetic thalidomide / side psychoactive / attractive anticholinergic / cholinergic medications / relations diuretic / magnetic narcotic / logic overdose / close antiemetic / magnetic depressant / present

Words that almost rhyme with sedative

competitive prejudice noncompetitive

negative relative sensitive genitive decorative tentative executive imperative insensitive expletive comparative consecutive commemorative preventative oversensitive nonsensitive representative contemplative argumentative nonconsecutive unrepresentative
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