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Here's what rhymes with respendings.

Words that almost rhyme with respendings

readings bearings headings weddings spellings tenses pairings subheadings parings geldings senses settings blessings benches dwellings dressings swellings herrings leggings menses fledglings lemmings lettings pfennigs pressings fairings deskills intendeds mensches offenses trenches hedges pledges ledges meshes tresses blesses dispenses messes offensives sledges cleanses fetches flexes nestlings pretenses wenches wrenches helpings misspellings reflexives revenges vexes abbesses belches treadmills fezzes fleshes yeses fesses fledgelings hexes intensives threshes recces veges welshes addresses inferences assesses caresses suppresses condenses oppresses refreshes avenges hypertensives possessives sixpences welches recessives headwinds incenses obsesses obsessives reassesses selvedges retrenches twopences wayfarings amerces objectives incentives perspectives excesses detectives directives distresses impresses professes defectives depressives electives correctives duplexes perplexes regresses digresses fluoresces preventives authoresses effervesces entrenches prioresses tigresses digestives intrenches murderesses pseudosciences squelches egresses topdressings confesses progressives collectives connectives acquiesces coalesces sorceresses comprehensives triplexes manageresses mayoresses obsolesces frontbenches recrudesces disincentives concierges multiplexes retrospectives counteroffensives convalesces contraceptives
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