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Here's what rhymes with repeatedmeasures.

measures pleasures treasures countermeasures

Words that almost rhyme with repeatedmeasures

pressures feathers levers heifers weathers endeavors endeavours assessors oppressors possessors predecessors professors aggressors confessors successors compressors transgressors

metres members letters dwellers sellers bearers beggars debtors fetters terrors carers cellars headers mentors peppers tellers tremors betters checkers ledgers lepers centers centres directors lectures sectors settlers gestures renders vectors sensors vendors ventures helpers lenders shelters shepherds censors dentures genders tempers tenders leopards peddlers renters stretchers sweaters tenures testers ureters wrestlers adventures investors offenders defenders electors remembers detectors dissenters inventors textures centimetres connectors debentures surrenders millimetres objectors propellers semesters splendors receptors collectors inspectors conjectures condensers protectors westwards contenders pretenders projectors experimenters reflectors storytellers architectures
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