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Here's what rhymes with odyssies.

neces hussies wussies gussies jalousies phantasies indelicacies

Words that almost rhyme with odyssies

toughies chivvies chivies luvvies strophes

buddies puppies dummies buggies bunnies buttes puttees putties tummies tunnies budgies duckies studies moneys monies gullies mummies junkies gulleys guppies phonies yuppies druggies funnies honeys muddies sullies trusties chutneys bloodies hubbies ebonies sonnies chicories bemires monkeys scabies monthlies munchies sulkies conchies countries sunbeams unities eternities sundries flunkeys flunkies impieties boutonnieres geologies restudies bimonthlies calumnies symmetries voluntaries bloodstreams scrunchies thingummies psychologies colostomies understudies semimonthlies incarnadines
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