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Here's what rhymes with mayferve.

serve verve curve nerve swerve observe reserve deserve unnerve preserve conserve

Words that almost rhyme with mayferve

verse hers furs surf firs serf hearse hewers firth birth worth worse nurse curse purse turf averse berth dearth mirth spurs girth stirs terse curs seigneurs slurs messieurs purrs scurf voyeurs kirsch masseurs whirrs occurs refers adverse diverse reverse inverse perverse coerce obverse rehearse blurs immerse infers chauffeurs defers unearth poseurs universe prefers amateurs confers disperse rebirth recurs connoisseurs incurs deters disburse liqueurs voyageurs demurs longueurs bestirs transfers transverse concurs saboteurs stillbirth afterbirth intersperse reoccurs reimburse litterateurs restaurateurs raconteurs rapporteurs arbitrageurs entrepreneurs
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