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Here's what rhymes with iomai.

my nigh mai muy nai mei by high why die lie thy y buy guy tie vi hi shy sigh bi bye chi dye fi hy pi pie thai thigh vie dei ly psi quae rye ty wir awry hai lye wry cy fy kai lai luy sy tai thei untie wai phi amebae lanai apply dry try cry fly sky deny spy fry ply sly pry tri trie pri amoebae sty aquae bonsai stye slier supply imply nearby rely comply defy underlie alibi belie edify overlie deify firefly ossify spry turfy mummify shanghai banzais overbuy reply thereby occupy whereby hereby modify nuclei alkali verify certify goodbye notify nullify pacify ratify samurai unify decry lullaby pupae termini terrify typify codify mollify ramify retry horrify overfly scurfy versify drachmai ripply yuppify identify justify satisfy clarify qualify specify classify signify testify butterfly glorify gratify purify alveoli amplify diversify magnify rectify standby falsify crucify descry dignify liquefy mortify personify resupply vilify acidify mystify triply ultrahigh vivify blowfly calcify misapply petrify reunify stupefy liquify scarify barfly hyperbolae prettify vitrify beatify speechify dandify stimuli multiply simplify quantify fortify beautify solidify oversupply dragonfly stratify stultify emulsify revivify cumuli gentrify syllabify solemnify intensify indemnify objectify demystify detoxify electrify preoccupy dissatisfy declassify refortify exemplify disqualify oversimplify reclassify misidentify transmogrify
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