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Here's what rhymes with inelegances.

Words that almost rhyme with inelegances

sunfish lungfish

buses pulses lunches punches condyles gushes hunches gulches lunges maces crunches fusses munches cruxes musses susses klutzes wusses putzes judges cuttings fluxes couplings crutches plunges trusses bulges comings crushes grudges buzzes nudges pluses repulses buntings mulches adjudges brunches flophouses fudges plusses rebuses budges scrunches shushes fuzzes keypunches incubuses brushes ducklings flushes hustings nothings drudges entices smudges sucklings buckskins buskins influxes logins muggings puffins rubbings rustlings salines trudges truncheons convulses cuspidors expunges nubbins rhombuses ingresses muggins munchkins nimbuses airbuses contuses rejudges indulges sulphides dumplings bludgeons divulges dustbins minibuses misjudges vocatives ablatives begrudges prejudges curmudgeons drubbings iambuses punkins thumpings analogise nonplusses nonpluses muskellunges appositives transitives trolleybuses consumptives subjunctives overindulges
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