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Here's what rhymes with hfd.

Words that almost rhyme with hfd

deft best left test chest jest theft pest bereft weft rest west breast arrest blessed dressed guest lest pressed nest cleft guessed attest vest zest blest wrest meshed messed addressed possessed stressed assessed crest oppressed quest abreast digest obsessed behest caressed detest divest ingest retest suggest depressed impressed invest professed suppressed repressed unrest bequest enmeshed undressed infest molest pretest recessed redressed expressed request compressed confessed distressed progressed southwest refreshed acquiesced coalesced regressed unstressed manifest northwest dispossessed

bed dead tend begged bend dared paired penned bared chaired ted said head held lead led read red send attend bread shared spend fed shed stared trend bred cared dread lend spared blend haired pledged spelled tread yelled bled fared med mend shewed sped stead stemmed wed weld celled felled fend hedged hemmed rend shelled wedged friend spread ahead depend alleged defend fled thread descend impaired intend repaired scared amend ascend beheld offend upheld flared fledged glared impelled rebelled repelled smelled swelled sled compared declared instead prepared extend compelled condemned contend expelled pretend centred squared suspend cleansed commend excelled propelled assayed avenged despaired dispelled expend overhead apprehend dividend transcend withheld misled paralleled watershed quarrelled unimpaired recommend widespread overwhelmed infrared unprepared comprehend unparalleled superintend
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