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Here's what rhymes with ffages.

sages phages cages rages wadges engages macrophages disengages reengages greengages

Words that almost rhyme with ffages

native dative wadis creative innovative iterative nonnative bellyaches associative imitative oxidative vegetative educative radiative dissipative evaporative mutatis annotative cooperative legislative authoritative appreciative evaluative meditative dissociative connotative denotative cogitative emulative qualitative collaborative integrative deliberative regulative procreative copulative stimulative quantitative investigative unappreciative administrative interpretative manipulative rehabilitative accumulative nonadministrative

aces hazes fazes savings sayings failings paces arranges mazes shavings facings sailings effaces stagings earaches dazes razes hazings graces railings blazes casings spacings tailings takings amazes erases mailings makings ravings shadings crazes granges phrasings slayings abases huaraches pavings mavins natives paintings ratings cravings playthings tracings atlases appraises debases weightings encases tastings buffetings datives placings waybills showplaces ladings traipses embraces interfaces replaces displaces gratings abrasives scrapings disgraces playbills misplaces tradings tailwinds cutlases outplaces databases engravings interchanges carapaces creatives nonnatives reappraises undertakings scapegraces commonplaces marketplaces copulatives photoengravings
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