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Here's what rhymes with extravíos.

those shows foes hose hoes hos sows goes knows rose nose arose chose flows propose rows oppose pose throws toes nos froze snows woes slows throes doze lows noes tows suppose grows prose blows ratios repose pros crows glows transpose verbose impose dispose expose compose presuppose studios bestows radios depose folios foreclose overflows dominoes overthrows patios rodeos stereos disclose embryos undergoes enclose decompose interpose predispose bedclothes bungalows inclose juxtapose superimpose cameos plainclothes scarecrows portfolios politicos underclothes manifestoes

Words that almost rhyme with extravíos

hove both dose stove loaf cove loath sloth wove gauche loathe rove throve wroth close growth drove gross grove strove clothe quoth bellicose clove morose troth trove jocose cellulose diagnose adipose overdose varicose viscose comatose engross grandiose undergrowth lachrymose nitrocellulose

homes holes souls zones phones soles shoals wholes foams foals sods voles hones bones goals holds roads roles stones loans modes nodes codes folds loads poles rolls tones bowls coals cones lobes polls robes domes loaves moles popes telephones tolls abodes cols combs moans rogues stoves thrones unknowns toads bolls coves doles gnomes knolls lodes roams tomes adobes atones bodes boles goads loathes scones viols clothes episodes groves clones groans molds moulds probes unfolds cloves colds globes scrolls clods consoles drones droves upholds erodes paroles pheromones scolds strolls trombones assholes corrodes earlobes chromosomes overtones patrols encodes vacuoles anaerobes catacombs cyclones explodes homewards creoles extols overloads petioles controls microphones manifolds nematodes cobblestones cornerstones marigolds postpones undertones arterioles
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