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Here's what rhymes with extraotion.

caution cation precaution libation herniation calumniation

Words that almost rhyme with extraotion

soften rosin possum blossom opossum microcosm macrocosm

common foreign portion cotton fallen gotten pollen rotten torsion robin sodden bobbin logon warren lawman tauten proportion carbon fortune garden adoption margin sovereign abortion bargain pardon foreman toxin broaden jargon parson shorten shotgun trodden wanton warden befallen carton darken dolphin foremen harden hearken sharpen watchman apportion carmine cordon barman godson marten tartan hearten marlin martin tarpon toboggan corpsman harken barmen bonbon coarsen gorgon sporran conman ramekin doctrine forgotten distortion uncommon horsemen resorption cauldron extortion horseman caldron spartan bondman bondmen yachtsman bargeman reapportion smarten cardamon foreshorten yardman yardmen resharpen rontgen absorption exhaustion infarction squadron hydrocarbon disproportion concoction downtrodden marksman bondsman contortion dishearten longshoreman motorman misbegotten motormen misfortune kindergarten antitoxin sportsman antiabortion fluorocarbon unforgotten muskoxen radiocarbon prekindergarten
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