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Here's what rhymes with covirse.

Words that almost rhyme with covirse

shires sires sirs files spires tyres lyres mires miles styles piles smiles tiles choirs wiles chiles whiles rials stiles inspires admires retires defiles conspires compiles reconciles crocodiles

sites vice heights cites fights sights hikes vise fifes rights types nice writes lights mice nights rice whites knights likes pipes rites flights slice bites bytes dice lice spice spikes thrice dikes dykes gneiss mites bikes kites pikes tights wipes slights smites price advice device twice strikes suffice concise invites stripes excise excites pints splice recites incites sprites trice alights blights gripes oversights precise delights dislikes leukocytes unites entice neophytes phagocytes acolytes ignites rewrites sidelights sacrifice parasites satellites appetites archetypes criticise copyrights mobilise nonwhites megabytes nitrites anchorites indicts lymphocytes paradise erythrocytes prototypes dendrites imprecise minimise utilise maximise proselytes stabilise optimise publicise underwrites stereotypes trilobites dentifrice stalagmites suburbanites electrolytes metabolites legitimise
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