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Here's what rhymes with collapsings.

Words that almost rhyme with collapsings

collapses lapses wrappings landings trappings lances rankings mappings saplings elapses lashings rantings wrasses captives glances castings lashes hangings relapses brasses plantings rashes waxes basses faxes passives gasses palings ramblings samplings backings manses amasses cracklings prances sackings thrashings maxes whackings razzes attaches flashes clashes romances badges chattels crashes dashes stances surpasses caches hatches relaxes sashes hamstrings landfills morasses slashes standings blanches harasses mashes satchels stabbings bashes cashes pastilles prolapses spankings thrashes everlastings gnashes hourglasses thatches brazes recastings trashes abashes cadges jazzes revampings enhances finances snatches allegiances avalanches expanses handbills pickaxes smashes overpasses parallaxes menages stashes poleaxes crosshatches skyjackings highjackings detaches calabashes nuthatches underpasses battleaxes reattaches refinances gatecrashes nonactives understandings despatches dispatches mismatches demitasses kaffeeklatsches crosspatches misunderstandings
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