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Here's what rhymes with coercive.

cursive recursive excursive discursive subversive dispersive

Consider these alternatives

coercion / person persuasion / education interrogation / education interrogations / relations resorting / according sterilization / relation preventative / representative abusive / inclusive manipulative / native confrontational / educational inhumane / main exclusionary / very inhuman / human recourse / recalls discriminatory / story subjected / rejected resorted / imported authorizing / rising immoral / moral deprivation / education rehabilitative / native infanticide / side intimidation / operation despotic / logic counterproductive / productive coerced / first torture / order condone / known dictatorial / editorial

Words that almost rhyme with coercive

coerces curses purses hearses dervish reverses rehearses disburses spearfish universes reimburses

furtive assertive unassertive
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