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Here's what rhymes with catholies.

Words that almost rhyme with catholies

alleys galleys carries valleys rallies candies sallies tallies abysses antes khakis aunties cabbies caddies abbes dallies cadres fancies taxis panties crannies dandies lackeys paddies pansies patties shanties nannies navvies achenes daddies grannies lassies nappies baddies chanties gantries hankies laddies mammies baggies bandies chanteys crappies ranees tabbies tatties taxies chappies fannies fatties patsies shandies maxis taffies whammies pappies savvies shammies brandies lampreys pantheons pantries pasties palfreys gangrenes passkeys squaddies stanches platies phalanges papacies backfields guaranis chimpanzees menageries maharanis grandaddies inaccuracies trivialities vigilantes intermarries potentialities angioplasties
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